Source code for ldaptor.protocols.pureber

# Copyright (C) 2001 Tommi Virtanen
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

"""Pure, simple, BER encoding and decoding"""

# This BER library is currently aimed at supporting LDAP, thus
# the following restrictions from RFC2251 apply:
# (1) Only the definite form of length encoding will be used.
# (2) OCTET STRING values will be encoded in the primitive form
#     only.
# (3) If the value of a BOOLEAN type is true, the encoding MUST have
#     its contents octets set to hex "FF".
# (4) If a value of a type is its default value, it MUST be absent.
#     Only some BOOLEAN and INTEGER types have default values in
#     this protocol definition.

import string

# xxxxxxxx
# |/|\.../
# | | |
# | | tag
# | |
# | primitive (0) or structured (1)
# |
# class

CLASS_MASK              = 0xc0
CLASS_CONTEXT           = 0x80
CLASS_PRIVATE           = 0xc0

STRUCTURED_MASK         = 0x20
STRUCTURED              = 0x20
NOT_STRUCTURED          = 0x00

TAG_MASK                = 0x1f

# 0xxxxxxx = 0..127
# 1xxxxxxx = len is stored in the next 0xxxxxxx octets
# indefinite form not supported

[docs]class UnknownBERTag(Exception): def __init__(self, tag, context): Exception.__init__(self) self.tag = tag self.context = context def __str__(self): return "BERDecoderContext has no tag 0x%02x: %s" \ % (self.tag, self.context)
import UserList
[docs]def berDecodeLength(m, offset=0): """ Return a tuple of (length, lengthLength). m must be atleast one byte long. """ l=ber2int(m[offset+0]) ll=1 if l&0x80: ll=1+(l&0x7F) need(m, offset+ll) l=ber2int(m[offset+1:offset+ll], signed=0) return (l, ll)
[docs]def int2berlen(i): assert i>=0 e=int2ber(i, signed=False) if i <= 127: return e else: l=len(e) assert l>0 assert l<=127 return chr(0x80|l) + e
[docs]def int2ber(i, signed=True): encoded='' while ((signed and (i>127 or i<-128)) or (not signed and (i>255))): encoded=chr(i%256)+encoded i=i>>8 encoded=chr(i%256)+encoded return encoded
[docs]def ber2int(e, signed=True): need(e, 1) v=0L+ord(e[0]) if v&0x80 and signed: v=v-256 for i in range(1, len(e)): v=(v<<8) | ord(e[i]) return v
[docs]class BERBase: tag = None
[docs] def identification(self): return self.tag
def __init__(self, tag=None): if tag is not None: self.tag=tag def __len__(self): return len(str(self)) def __cmp__(self, other): if isinstance(other, BERBase): return cmp(str(self), str(other)) else: return -1 def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, BERBase): return str(self) == str(other) else: return False def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, BERBase): return str(self) != str(other) else: return False
[docs]class BERStructured(BERBase):
[docs] def identification(self): return STRUCTURED|self.tag
[docs]class BERException(Exception): pass
[docs]class BERExceptionInsufficientData(Exception): pass
[docs]def need(buf, n): d=n-len(buf) if d>0: raise BERExceptionInsufficientData, d
[docs]class BERInteger(BERBase): tag = 0x02 value = None
[docs] def fromBER(klass, tag, content, berdecoder=None): assert len(content)>0 value=ber2int(content) r = klass(value=value, tag=tag) return r
fromBER = classmethod(fromBER) def __init__(self, value=None, tag=None): """Create a new BERInteger object. value is an integer. """ BERBase.__init__(self, tag) assert value is not None self.value=value def __str__(self): encoded=int2ber(self.value) return chr(self.identification()) \ +int2berlen(len(encoded)) \ +encoded def __repr__(self): if self.tag==self.__class__.tag: return self.__class__.__name__+"(value=%r)"%self.value else: return self.__class__.__name__+"(value=%r, tag=%d)" \ %(self.value, self.tag)
[docs]class BEROctetString(BERBase): tag = 0x04 value = None
[docs] def fromBER(klass, tag, content, berdecoder=None): assert len(content)>=0 r = klass(value=content, tag=tag) return r
fromBER = classmethod(fromBER) def __init__(self, value=None, tag=None): BERBase.__init__(self, tag) assert value is not None self.value=value def __str__(self): value = str(self.value) return chr(self.identification()) \ +int2berlen(len(value)) \ +value def __repr__(self): if self.tag==self.__class__.tag: return self.__class__.__name__+"(value=%s)" \ %repr(self.value) else: return self.__class__.__name__ \ +"(value=%s, tag=%d)" \ %(repr(self.value), self.tag)
[docs]class BERNull(BERBase): tag = 0x05
[docs] def fromBER(klass, tag, content, berdecoder=None): assert len(content) == 0 r = klass(tag=tag) return r
fromBER = classmethod(fromBER) def __init__(self, tag=None): BERBase.__init__(self, tag) def __str__(self): return chr(self.identification())+chr(0) def __repr__(self): if self.tag==self.__class__.tag: return self.__class__.__name__+"()" else: return self.__class__.__name__+"(tag=%d)"%self.tag
[docs]class BERBoolean(BERBase): tag = 0x01
[docs] def fromBER(klass, tag, content, berdecoder=None): assert len(content) > 0 value = ber2int(content) r = klass(value=value, tag=tag) return r
fromBER = classmethod(fromBER) def __init__(self, value=None, tag=None): """Create a new BERInteger object. value is an integer. """ BERBase.__init__(self, tag) assert value is not None if value: value=0xFF self.value=value def __str__(self): assert self.value==0 or self.value==0xFF return chr(self.identification()) \ +int2berlen(1) \ +chr(self.value) def __repr__(self): if self.tag==self.__class__.tag: return self.__class__.__name__+"(value=%d)"%self.value else: return self.__class__.__name__+"(value=%d, tag=%d)" \ %(self.value, self.tag)
[docs]class BEREnumerated(BERInteger): tag = 0x0a
[docs]class BERSequence(BERStructured, UserList.UserList): # TODO __getslice__ calls __init__ with no args. tag = 0x10
[docs] def fromBER(klass, tag, content, berdecoder=None): l = berDecodeMultiple(content, berdecoder) r = klass(l, tag=tag) return r
fromBER = classmethod(fromBER) def __init__(self, value=None, tag=None): BERStructured.__init__(self, tag) UserList.UserList.__init__(self) assert value is not None self[:]=value def __str__(self): r=string.join(map(str,, '') return chr(self.identification())+int2berlen(len(r))+r def __repr__(self): if self.tag==self.__class__.tag: return self.__class__.__name__+"(value=%s)"%repr( else: return self.__class__.__name__+"(value=%s, tag=%d)" \ %(repr(, self.tag)
[docs]class BERSequenceOf(BERSequence): pass
[docs]class BERSet(BERSequence): tag = 0x11 pass
[docs]class BERDecoderContext: Identities = { BERInteger.tag: BERInteger, BEROctetString.tag: BEROctetString, BERNull.tag: BERNull, BERBoolean.tag: BERBoolean, BEREnumerated.tag: BEREnumerated, BERSequence.tag: BERSequence, BERSet.tag: BERSet, } def __init__(self, fallback=None, inherit=None): self.fallback=fallback self.inherit_context=inherit
[docs] def lookup_id(self, id): try: return self.Identities[id] except KeyError: if self.fallback: return self.fallback.lookup_id(id) else: return None
[docs] def inherit(self): return self.inherit_context or self
def __repr__(self): identities = [] for tag, class_ in self.Identities.items(): identities.append('0x%02x: %s' % (tag, class_.__name__)) return "<"+self.__class__.__name__ \ +" identities={%s}" % ', '.join(identities) \ +" fallback="+repr(self.fallback) \ +" inherit="+repr(self.inherit_context) \ +">"
[docs]def berDecodeObject(context, m): """berDecodeObject(context, string) -> (berobject, bytesUsed) berobject may be None. """ while m: need(m, 2) i=ber2int(m[0], signed=0)&(CLASS_MASK|TAG_MASK) length, lenlen = berDecodeLength(m, offset=1) need(m, 1+lenlen+length) m2 = m[1+lenlen:1+lenlen+length] berclass=context.lookup_id(i) if berclass: inh=context.inherit() assert inh r = berclass.fromBER(tag=i, content=m2, berdecoder=inh) return (r, 1+lenlen+length) else: #raise UnknownBERTag, (i, context) print str(UnknownBERTag(i, context)) #TODO return (None, 1+lenlen+length) return (None, 0)
[docs]def berDecodeMultiple(content, berdecoder): """berDecodeMultiple(content, berdecoder) -> [objects] Decodes everything in content and returns a list of decoded objects. All of content will be decoded, and content must contain complete BER objects. """ l = [] while content: n, bytes = berDecodeObject(berdecoder, content) if n is not None: l.append(n) assert bytes <= len(content) content = content[bytes:] return l
#TODO unimplemented classes are below: #class BERObjectIdentifier(BERBase): # tag = 0x06 # pass #class BERIA5String(BERBase): # tag = 0x16 # pass #class BERPrintableString(BERBase): # tag = 0x13 # pass #class BERT61String(BERBase): # tag = 0x14 # pass #class BERUTCTime(BERBase): # tag = 0x17 # pass #class BERBitString(BERBase): # tag = 0x03 # pass