Source code for ldaptor.samba.smbpassword

import string, warnings
from ldaptor import md4, config

toupper=string.maketrans(lower, upper)

[docs]def nthash(password=''): """Generates nt md4 password hash for a given password.""" password=password[:128] password=''.join([c+'\000' for c in password]) return;
[docs]def lmhash_locked(password=''): """ Generates a lanman password hash that matches no password. Note that the author thinks LanMan hashes should be banished from the face of the earth. """ return 32*'X'
def _no_lmhash(password=''): if config.useLMhash(): warnings.warn("Cannot import Crypto.Cipher.DES, lmhash passwords disabled.") return lmhash_locked() def _have_lmhash(password=''): """ Generates lanman password hash for a given password. Note that the author thinks LanMan hashes should be banished from the face of the earth. """ if not config.useLMhash(): return lmhash_locked() password = (password+14*'\0')[:14] password = password.upper() return _deshash(password[:7]) + _deshash(password[7:]) try: from Crypto.Cipher import DES except ImportError: lmhash = _no_lmhash else: lmhash = _have_lmhash LM_MAGIC = "KGS!@#$%" def _deshash(p): # Insert parity bits. I'm not going to bother myself with smart # implementations. bits = [] for byte in [ord(c) for c in p]: bits.extend([bool(byte & 128), bool(byte & 64), bool(byte & 32), bool(byte & 16), bool(byte & 8), bool(byte & 4), bool(byte & 2), bool(byte & 1)]) def _pack(bits): x = ((bits[0] << 7) + (bits[1] << 6) + (bits[2] << 5) + (bits[3] << 4) + (bits[4] << 3) + (bits[5] << 2) + (bits[6] << 1)) return x bytes = (_pack(bits[:7]), _pack(bits[7:14]), _pack(bits[14:21]), _pack(bits[21:28]), _pack(bits[28:35]), _pack(bits[35:42]), _pack(bits[42:49]), _pack(bits[49:])) bytes = ''.join([chr(x) for x in bytes]) cipher =, DES.MODE_ECB) raw = cipher.encrypt(LM_MAGIC) l = ['%02X' % ord(x) for x in raw] return ''.join(l)