=========== LDAP Merger =========== A merger forwards search requests to multiple LDAP Servers, and returns the result entries of each successful response. ------- Usecase ------- You have multiple LDAP Servers, and you want to combine the search results of all of them. This can be the case if you have an application which needs extra users which are not inside the LDAP directory of your enterprise server, and it is not desired to store them in it. In this case you could use an internal LDAP server on the local filesystem (you can also do this with ldaptor, please look at the LDAP Servers section, File-System LDAP DIT), and combine this server with your general LDAP server. ------- Caveats ------- Be aware that it the merger is a read-only implementation: only BIND and SEARCH operations are supported. Beyond that, notice that when binding only the servers where the bind has been successful are delivering search results. So in order to retrieve results on all servers, the bind user must be available on all LDAP servers. ----- Usage ----- '''' Code '''' Store the python code in a file called ldap-merger.tac: .. code-block:: python #! /usr/bin/env python from twisted.application import service, internet from twisted.internet import protocol from ldaptor.config import LDAPConfig from ldaptor.protocols.ldap.merger import MergedLDAPServer application = service.Application("LDAP Merger") configs = [LDAPConfig(serviceLocationOverrides={"": ('external', 389)}), LDAPConfig(serviceLocationOverrides={"": ('localhost', 38942)})] use_tls = [True, False] factory = protocol.ServerFactory() factory.protocol = lambda: MergedLDAPServer(configs, use_tls) mergeService = internet.TCPServer(389, factory) mergeService.setServiceParent(application) '''''''''' Discussion '''''''''' We use two ldap servers: one listening on the host ''external'' on the default port 389, and the other is a server running on localhost with port 38942. TLS is used for the connection to the external server. The merger itself listens on port 389. Run it with $ twistd -y ldap-merger.tac