Source code for ldaptor.entryhelpers

from twisted.internet import defer
from ldaptor import delta, ldapfilter
from ldaptor.protocols import pureldap
from ldaptor.protocols.ldap import ldapsyntax, ldaperrors

[docs]class DiffTreeMixin(object): def _diffTree_gotMyChildren(self, myChildren, other, result): d = other.children() d.addCallback(self._diffTree_gotBothChildren, myChildren, other, result) return d def _diffTree_gotBothChildren(self, otherChildren, myChildren, other, result): def rdnToChild(rdn, l): r = [x for x in l if x.dn.split()[0] == rdn] assert len(r) == 1 return r[0] my = set([x.dn.split()[0] for x in myChildren]) his = set([x.dn.split()[0] for x in otherChildren]) # differences in common children commonRDN = list(my & his) commonRDN.sort() # for reproducability only d = self._diffTree_commonChildren([ (rdnToChild(rdn, myChildren), rdnToChild(rdn, otherChildren)) for rdn in commonRDN ], result) # added children addedRDN = list(his - my) addedRDN.sort() # for reproducability only d2 = self._diffTree_addedChildren([ rdnToChild(rdn, otherChildren) for rdn in addedRDN ], result) d.addCallback(lambda _: d2) # deleted children deletedRDN = list(my - his) deletedRDN.sort() # for reproducability only d3 = self._diffTree_deletedChildren([ rdnToChild(rdn, myChildren) for rdn in deletedRDN ], result) d.addCallback(lambda _: d3) return d def _diffTree_commonChildren(self, children, result): if not children: return defer.succeed(result) first, rest = children[0], children[1:] a, b = first d = a.diffTree(b, result) d.addCallback(lambda _: self._diffTree_commonChildren(rest, result)) return d def _diffTree_addedChildren(self, children, result): if not children: return result first, rest = children[0], children[1:] d = first.subtree() def _gotSubtree(l, result): for c in l: o = delta.AddOp(c) result.append(o) return result d.addCallback(_gotSubtree, result) d.addCallback(lambda _: self._diffTree_addedChildren(rest, result)) return d def _diffTree_deletedChildren(self, children, result): if not children: return result first, rest = children[0], children[1:] d = first.subtree() def _gotSubtree(l, result): l.reverse() # remove children before their parent for c in l: o = delta.DeleteOp(c) result.append(o) return result d.addCallback(_gotSubtree, result) d.addCallback(lambda _: self._diffTree_deletedChildren(rest, result)) return d
[docs] def diffTree(self, other, result=None): assert self.dn == other.dn, \ ("diffTree arguments must refer to same LDAP tree:" "%r != %r" % (str(self.dn), str(other.dn)) ) if result is None: result = [] # differences in root rootDiff = self.diff(other) if rootDiff is not None: result.append(rootDiff) d = self.children() d.addCallback(self._diffTree_gotMyChildren, other, result) return d
[docs]class SubtreeFromChildrenMixin(object):
[docs] def subtree(self, callback=None): if callback is None: result = [] d = self.subtree(callback=result.append) d.addCallback(lambda _: result) return d else: callback(self) d = self.children() def _processOneChild(_, children, callback): if not children: return None c = children.pop() d = c.subtree(callback) d.addCallback(_processOneChild, children, callback) def _gotChildren(children, callback): _processOneChild(None, children, callback) d.addCallback(_gotChildren, callback) return d
[docs]class MatchMixin(object):
[docs] def match(self, filter): if isinstance(filter, pureldap.LDAPFilter_present): return filter.value in self elif isinstance(filter, pureldap.LDAPFilter_equalityMatch): # TODO case insensitivity depends on different attribute syntaxes if (filter.assertionValue.value.lower() in [val.lower() for val in self.get(filter.attributeDesc.value, [])]): return True return False elif isinstance(filter, pureldap.LDAPFilter_substrings): if filter.type not in self: return False possibleMatches = self[filter.type] substrings = filter.substrings[:] if (substrings and isinstance(filter.substrings[0], pureldap.LDAPFilter_substrings_initial)): possibleMatches = [ x[len(filter.substrings[0].value):] for x in possibleMatches if x.lower().startswith(filter.substrings[0].value.lower()) ] del substrings[0] if (substrings and isinstance(filter.substrings[-1], pureldap.LDAPFilter_substrings_final)): possibleMatches = [ x[:-len(filter.substrings[0].value)] for x in possibleMatches if x.lower().endswith(filter.substrings[-1].value.lower()) ] del substrings[-1] while possibleMatches and substrings: assert isinstance(substrings[0], pureldap.LDAPFilter_substrings_any) r = [] for possible in possibleMatches: i = possible.lower().find(substrings[0].value.lower()) if i >= 0: r.append(possible[i:]) possibleMatches = r del substrings[0] if possibleMatches and not substrings: return True return False elif isinstance(filter, pureldap.LDAPFilter_greaterOrEqual): if filter.attributeDesc not in self: return False for value in self[filter.attributeDesc]: if value >= filter.assertionValue: return True return False elif isinstance(filter, pureldap.LDAPFilter_lessOrEqual): if filter.attributeDesc not in self: return False for value in self[filter.attributeDesc]: if value <= filter.assertionValue: return True return False elif isinstance(filter, pureldap.LDAPFilter_and): for filt in filter: if not self.match(filt): return False return True elif isinstance(filter, pureldap.LDAPFilter_or): for filt in filter: if self.match(filt): return True return False elif isinstance(filter, pureldap.LDAPFilter_not): return not self.match(filter.value) else: raise ldapsyntax.MatchNotImplemented, filter
[docs]class SearchByTreeWalkingMixin(object):
[docs] def search(self, filterText=None, filterObject=None, attributes=(), scope=None, derefAliases=None, sizeLimit=0, timeLimit=0, typesOnly=0, callback=None): if filterObject is None and filterText is None: filterObject=pureldap.LDAPFilterMatchAll elif filterObject is None and filterText is not None: filterObject=ldapfilter.parseFilter(filterText) elif filterObject is not None and filterText is None: pass elif filterObject is not None and filterText is not None: f=ldapfilter.parseFilter(filterText) filterObject=pureldap.LDAPFilter_and((f, filterObject)) if scope is None: scope = pureldap.LDAP_SCOPE_wholeSubtree if derefAliases is None: derefAliases = pureldap.LDAP_DEREF_neverDerefAliases # choose iterator: base/children/subtree if scope == pureldap.LDAP_SCOPE_wholeSubtree: iterator = self.subtree elif scope == pureldap.LDAP_SCOPE_singleLevel: iterator = self.children elif scope == pureldap.LDAP_SCOPE_baseObject: def iterateSelf(callback): callback(self) return defer.succeed(None) iterator = iterateSelf else: raise ldaperrors.LDAPProtocolError, \ 'unknown search scope: %r' % scope results = [] if callback is None: matchCallback = results.append else: matchCallback = callback # gather results, send them def _tryMatch(entry): if entry.match(filterObject): matchCallback(entry) iterator(callback=_tryMatch) if callback is None: return defer.succeed(results) else: return defer.succeed(None)