Source code for ldaptor.protocols.ldap.ldaperrors

from ldaptor._encoder import to_bytes

[docs]def get(resultCode, errorMessage): """Get an instance of the correct exception for this resultCode.""" return LDAPExceptionCollection.get_instance(resultCode, errorMessage)
[docs]class LDAPExceptionCollection(type): """ Storage for the LDAP result codes and the corresponding classes. """ collection = {} def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attributes): cls = type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, attributes) code = attributes.get("resultCode") if code is not None: assert isinstance(code, int) assert isinstance(attributes.get("name"), bytes) mcs.collection[code] = cls return cls
[docs] @classmethod def get_instance(mcs, code, message): """Get an instance of the correct exception for this result code.""" cls = mcs.collection.get(code) if cls is not None: return cls(message) return LDAPUnknownError(code, message)
[docs]class LDAPResult(metaclass=LDAPExceptionCollection): resultCode = None name = None
[docs]class Success(LDAPResult): resultCode = 0 name = b"success" def __init__(self, msg): pass
[docs]class LDAPException(Exception, LDAPResult): def __init__(self, message=None): Exception.__init__(self) self.message = message def __str__(self): message = self.toWire() return message.decode("utf-8")
[docs] def toWire(self): if self.message: return b"%s: %s" % (, to_bytes(self.message)) if return return b"Unknown LDAP error %r" % self
[docs]class LDAPUnknownError(LDAPException): def __init__(self, resultCode, message=None): assert resultCode not in LDAPExceptionCollection.collection, ( "resultCode %r must be unknown" % resultCode ) self.code = resultCode LDAPException.__init__(self, message)
[docs] def toWire(self): codeName = b"unknownError(%d)" % self.code if self.message: return b"%s: %s" % (codeName, to_bytes(self.message)) else: return codeName
[docs]class LDAPOperationsError(LDAPException): resultCode = 1 name = b"operationsError"
[docs]class LDAPProtocolError(LDAPException): resultCode = 2 name = b"protocolError"
[docs]class LDAPTimeLimitExceeded(LDAPException): resultCode = 3 name = b"timeLimitExceeded"
[docs]class LDAPSizeLimitExceeded(LDAPException): resultCode = 4 name = b"sizeLimitExceeded"
[docs]class LDAPCompareFalse(LDAPException): resultCode = 5 name = b"compareFalse"
[docs]class LDAPCompareTrue(LDAPException): resultCode = 6 name = b"compareTrue"
[docs]class LDAPAuthMethodNotSupported(LDAPException): resultCode = 7 name = b"authMethodNotSupported"
[docs]class LDAPStrongAuthRequired(LDAPException): resultCode = 8 name = b"strongAuthRequired"
# 9 reserved
[docs]class LDAPReferral(LDAPException): resultCode = 10 name = b"referral"
[docs]class LDAPAdminLimitExceeded(LDAPException): resultCode = 11 name = b"adminLimitExceeded"
[docs]class LDAPUnavailableCriticalExtension(LDAPException): resultCode = 12 name = b"unavailableCriticalExtension"
[docs]class LDAPConfidentialityRequired(LDAPException): resultCode = 13 name = b"confidentialityRequired"
[docs]class LDAPSaslBindInProgress(LDAPException): resultCode = 14 name = b"saslBindInProgress"
[docs]class LDAPNoSuchAttribute(LDAPException): resultCode = 16 name = b"noSuchAttribute"
[docs]class LDAPUndefinedAttributeType(LDAPException): resultCode = 17 name = b"undefinedAttributeType"
[docs]class LDAPInappropriateMatching(LDAPException): resultCode = 18 name = b"inappropriateMatching"
[docs]class LDAPConstraintViolation(LDAPException): resultCode = 19 name = b"constraintViolation"
[docs]class LDAPAttributeOrValueExists(LDAPException): resultCode = 20 name = b"attributeOrValueExists"
[docs]class LDAPInvalidAttributeSyntax(LDAPException): resultCode = 21 name = b"invalidAttributeSyntax"
# 22-31 unused
[docs]class LDAPNoSuchObject(LDAPException): resultCode = 32 name = b"noSuchObject"
[docs]class LDAPAliasProblem(LDAPException): resultCode = 33 name = b"aliasProblem"
[docs]class LDAPInvalidDNSyntax(LDAPException): resultCode = 34 name = b"invalidDNSyntax"
# 35 reserved for undefined isLeaf
[docs]class LDAPAliasDereferencingProblem(LDAPException): resultCode = 36 name = b"aliasDereferencingProblem"
# 37-47 unused
[docs]class LDAPInappropriateAuthentication(LDAPException): resultCode = 48 name = b"inappropriateAuthentication"
[docs]class LDAPInvalidCredentials(LDAPException): resultCode = 49 name = b"invalidCredentials"
[docs]class LDAPInsufficientAccessRights(LDAPException): resultCode = 50 name = b"insufficientAccessRights"
[docs]class LDAPBusy(LDAPException): resultCode = 51 name = b"busy"
[docs]class LDAPUnavailable(LDAPException): resultCode = 52 name = b"unavailable"
[docs]class LDAPUnwillingToPerform(LDAPException): resultCode = 53 name = b"unwillingToPerform"
[docs]class LDAPLoopDetect(LDAPException): resultCode = 54 name = b"loopDetect"
# 55-63 unused
[docs]class LDAPNamingViolation(LDAPException): resultCode = 64 name = b"namingViolation"
[docs]class LDAPObjectClassViolation(LDAPException): resultCode = 65 name = b"objectClassViolation"
[docs]class LDAPNotAllowedOnNonLeaf(LDAPException): resultCode = 66 name = b"notAllowedOnNonLeaf"
[docs]class LDAPNotAllowedOnRDN(LDAPException): resultCode = 67 name = b"notAllowedOnRDN"
[docs]class LDAPEntryAlreadyExists(LDAPException): resultCode = 68 name = b"entryAlreadyExists"
[docs]class LDAPObjectClassModsProhibited(LDAPException): resultCode = 69 name = b"objectClassModsProhibited"
# 70 reserved for CLDAP
[docs]class LDAPAffectsMultipleDSAs(LDAPException): resultCode = 71 name = b"affectsMultipleDSAs"
# 72-79 unused
[docs]class LDAPOther(LDAPException): resultCode = 80 name = b"other"
# 81-90 reserved for APIs # Backwards compatibility other = LDAPOther.resultCode reverse = LDAPExceptionCollection.collection